
President Nkurunziza ranked as “patriotism guide”
Members of the cabinet have analyzed and approved a draft bill ranking President Pierre Nkurunziza as a “patriotism guide”, this 22 January. However, politicians disagree on this elevation… Gaston Sindimwo, First Deputy president says this is an honor for the country and its people. For him, it would be (...)

OLUCOME critical of allowances to be given to outgoing president
The National Assembly has this 21 January adopted a draft bill governing the status of the Head of state after his term in office. Referring to different advantages granted to him, the local corruption watchdog (OLUCOME) says lawmakers didn’t take into account the economic growth of the country. Gabriel (...)

Over 5 million Burundians expected to participate in 2020 election
Four Burundian Ministers visited this 8 January 2020 the data processing center of the Independent National Electoral Commission [CENI] to inquire about the progress of the activities of inputting voters who were registered during the partial voters’registration campaign organized from 9 to 12 December, 2019. This voters’ registration campaign (...)

CMCK: Sixty cases to be treated by otolaryngology and vascular surgery experts
Pascal Barahandwa, medical director of care at Kinindo Medico-Surgical Center -CMCK says the center is organizing an eight-day medical camp in otolaryngology- O.R.L and vascular surgery. “We want to provide care to patients suffering from diseases that are not operable by permanent Burundian doctors,” he says adding that the (...)

Burundians with disabilities plead for access to election offices in 2020
On the occasion of the World Day of People living with disabilities this December 3, Cassien Bizabigomba, Chairman of the Federation of Associations of people living with disabilities in Burundi says the latter have difficulty accessing the voting material and getting information. “Those who have physical disability don’t easily (...)

CNL Chairman denounces political intolerance
Agathon Rwasa, CNL party chairman has said four CNL party members have been killed in a month in Ngozi province. “They have been killed by youths affiliated to the ruling party”, he said adding that the situation is calm as if anything hasn’t happened. He said it during the (...)

Burundi artists producing animated films in need of support
“The animated film is still at the embryonic stage in Burundi although we shape an ongoing evolution compared to the past five years, “said Florian Nifasha, a Burundian author of over 10 animated cartoons. It was on 28 October, on the occasion of the International Animation Day. As Mr (...)

Burundi GDP grows slowly due to laziness, ISTEEBU reveals
The current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 315 USD per capita, reveals the census conducted in 2018 by the Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of Burundi (ISTEEBU). The ISTEEBU director general believes that the GDP grows slowly while the Burundi 2020-2025 vision plans to reach the GDP per (...)

2020 elections: Politicians disagree over announcement of election results
Térence Manirambona, Spokesperson for CNL party says the code of conduct to media and journalists would facilitate cheating and bring discredit on the National Independent Electoral Commission. “Transparency and credibility of the elections would be questioned”, he says. Article10 of the code of conduct established by the National Media (...)

People with disabilities plead for inclusion
While the World celebrates the International Day of Disability on every October 9th, Burundians living with disabilities still face some challenges like access to information, transport, buildings, health care… Adélaide Nyigina, Chairperson for the Union of people living with disabilities in Burundi-UPHB has said the rights for people living (...)