Graders in the final year of the post-fundamental school in Burundi say they are disturbed by the fact that the date for the state exam which gives the successful students access to higher education, has not so far been set. “We don’t know when we will do the state exam and this disrupt our revision”, says Kerry Gladys Ntirampeba, a scientific section candidate at Lycée du Saint Esprit, north of Bujumbura. She says they are preparing exams without knowing when they will sit for them”. If the date were known, we would review seriously”, she says.

Final year graders in post-fundamental school continue to revise although they haven’t so far known the exact date when they will sit for the exams.
Another candidate from Lycée Municipal Kibenga, in Muha Commune, south of Bujumbura, says students are not motivated given that they haven’t so far known the exact date when they will sit for the exams. “A student prepares his/her exam seriously when s/he knows the date on which s/he will be examined,” he says.
Richard Ngendakuriyo, a teacher at “Lycée du Saint Esprit” says knowing in advance the date of the test benefits the students a lot. “It helps them revise seriously,” he says.
Juma Edouard, Spokesman for the Ministry of Education says the calendar will be announced soon. “All the information that is being relayed on social media about the state exam calendar is nothing but rumor,” he says.