Burundi Revenue Authority has organized this 6 September, a workshop for journalists of local radio stations and newspapers to raise awareness of the importance of paying taxes.

Léopold Kabura: “We expect much from media professionals’ contribution to the increase in tax collection”.
Léopold Kabura, Deputy Commissioner of Burundi Revenue Authority says any taxpayer will pay taxes if s/he understands a little a bit the procedures of tax collection. “We expect much from media professionals to contribute to the increase in tax payment. The majority of taxpayers ignore the importance of collecting taxes,” he says.
He also says journalists contribute much to the sensitization campaign to urge taxpayers to carry out their duties. In 2014, OBR had a partnership with media houses to raise awareness of the role of paying taxes before Burundi plunged into the 2015 crisis.
Burundi Revenue Authority was established in 2009 and collected from BIF 301,2 billion in 2009 to BIF 754,13 billion in 2017. Tax contribution to the state expenses moved from 67% in 2009 to 77% in 2017. Frédérique Ndihokubwayo, OBR officer says the good performance is the result of the tax reforms and the taxpayers’ sensitization campaign.