Aimée Divine Niyokwizigirwa: “The signing of CNC specifications is a prerequisite for all the press and communication houses operating in Burundi”.
“All the media houses whose specifications have not been updated and signed at the National Communication Council [CNC] are requested to update them without delay. Otherwise, they will be considered as irregular”, says Aimée Divine Niyokwizigirwa, deputy chairperson of and spokesperson for CNC.
She says that for public and private media houses which have not yet signed CNC specifications, they must do so not later than 31 July. Otherwise, sanctions will be imposed on them according to the press law. “The signing of the specifications laid down by CNC is a prerequisite for all the press and communication houses operating in Burundi.
She also says the measure is the result of the visits conducted to the press organizations and the conclusions of the Plenary Assembly on 1 June during which participants noted that some press houses do not have an updated convention with the National Communication Council.
One of the media officers who spoke on condition of anonymity says they will update the specifications and comply with the rules of CNC. However, he believes the updating does not mean the suspension or ending of the programs that are broadcast.
On 8 June, the cabinet meeting was held and the bill amending Law No. 1/03 of 24 January 2013 pertaining to the tasks, composition, organization and functioning of the National Communication Council was analyzed.
According to Philippe Nzobonariba, Spokesperson for the government, the aim of this revision is to include in the competence field of the National Communication Council new sectors which were not covered by the Burundi’s media regulator, such as on-line broadcasting, cinema, advertising and communication agencies. “The draft also contains changes and clarifications on the press cards, what is required to obtain them and the details of the body in charge of giving them”, he said.