For Bishop Louis Nahimana, the testimonies collection phase constitutes the heart of the CVR work
The announcement was made this Thursday, 28 July, in Bujumbura by Bishop Jean Louis Nahimana, the Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR), in a press conference.
“Awaiting the establishment of provincial offices, we decided to deploy a group of CVR commissioners to the ground to gather testimonies from victims and witnesses,” he said. Nahimana added: “A step that is the heart of the CVR. The truth will come from testimonies of people affected by various crises that have devastated the country”. For the success of the CVR, he asked Burundians to break the spirit of negative solidarity.
He said that, the work will at first focus on Bujumbura and will be done behind closed doors. Bishop Nahimana also stated that a law to protect witnesses and victims was promulgated on 27 June 2016.
It is currently being translated into Kirundi, the national language before its dissemination to the public. According to him, three protection sections will accompany this step: a section of a protection brigade, a section of support (i.e. psychological, medical etc.) and an administrative section.
Throughout the work of this commission, Bishop Nahimana recognizes that the work of journalists is of great importance.
Note that for now, the team is complete. After the departure of Father Désiré Yamuremye, He was replaced by Laurent Kavakure, the former Foreign Affairs Minister.
Renovat Ndabashinze translated by Lorraine Josiane Manishatse