
What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

It is a huge relief for people living with disabilities. The Convention related to Human Rights is now adopted by the Government.-By Diane Uwimana

Pierre-Claver Seberege: “do not consider a person with disability as good-for nothing but help him to overcome the situation and in that case his family will also survive. Today is me, tomorrow is perhaps someone else. Disabilities can come at any moment.”©Iwacu

Pierre-Claver Seberege: “do not consider a person with disability as good-for nothing but help him to overcome the situation and in that case his family will also survive. Today is me, tomorrow is perhaps someone else. Disabilities can come at any moment.”©Iwacu

The National Assembly unanimously adopted the Convention on rights of people living with disabilities and its Optional Protocol last Thursday 7th February 2014. “It is only our country which hasn’t yet adopted the International Convention in EAC. Since 2005, the law has been pending in the Parliament waiting for its adoption. Currently, we will contribute to the country’s development”, notes Pierre- Claver Seberege, the Chairman of Union of People with Disabilities in Burundi (U.P.H.B). This convention is designed to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedom of people living with disabilities. “It is high time we promoted the respect of the inherent dignity. The Convention contains 50 articles while its optional Protocol has 18 articles,” emphasizes Seberege. Furthermore, with the adoption of this law, Burundi wants to adopt all appropriate legislative, administrative or other measures to implement the rights recognized in the Convention. It will also take all appropriate measures including legislation to modify, repeal or abolish laws, regulations, customs and practical measures which are the sources of discrimination against people with disabilities. According to him, the country will step by step put it into practice and things will certainly become better. “Those who will build different types of infrastructure will without any doubt think about people with disabilities,” he points out. Except Burundi, all other EAC partner states (EAC) have their own representatives in different institutions. “Thanks to the law, we will take part in different political and public issues”, notes the Chairman of UPHB. It is worth mentioning that the law will take into account all kinds of disabilities. “Then, parents are called upon not to hide their children with disabilities at home, but send them to school”, he focuses on.

“Disability may come at any time”

According to the Chairman of U.P.H.B, the survey conducted in the world, between 15% and 20% of people are living with disabilities. “If we look at ourselves, two million of Burundians out of eight are living with disabilities,” he mentions. Pierre Claver Seberege indicates that these are preliminary figures. “Disabilities should come at any time. Normal people must facilitate the Convention implementation and try to improve the life of people living with disabilities”, he recalls. People living with disabilities can be proud of the adoption of the convention and be involved in its application: “The only thing recommended for them, it is to take up the convention and popularize it in their areas,” suggests Seberege. Still waiting for accompanying texts to the Convention, he calls upon for solidarity: “do not consider a person with disability as good-for nothing but help him to overcome the situation and in that case his family will also survive. Today is me, tomorrow is perhaps someone else. Disabilities can come at any moment”.