Tatien Sibomana, a political actor has said there is no surprise to hear that Michel Kafando, UN Special Envoy to Burundi resigned. “He has never been supported. The UN, AU and EAC organizations are not united to find solutions to Burundi crisis,” he said. He added that his resignation followed that of Benjamin Mkapa as the EAC facilitator in the Inter-Burundian dialogue.

Michel Kafando, UN Special Envoy to Burundi
Tatien Sibomana also said Michel Kafando resigned as he faced different challenges. “The EAC mediator didn’t anything to facilitate him”, he said adding that the inter-dialogue sessions are still needed to find solutions to Burundi crisis. Tatien Sibomana urged the UN representatives to convince the Burundian officials to resume the Inter-Burundian dialogue.
As for Abel Gashatsi, Chairman of Uprona party, Burundian officials never trusted the UN Special Envoy due to his different positions on the prevailing situation in Burundi. “Uprona party noticed that Michel Kafando often reported unverified information,” he said adding that his reports were sometimes different from the prevailing situation. He, however, said there is a need to replace him. “Burundi is a UN partner state. His successor should work in close collaboration with the Burundian government,” he said.
During the oral briefing on the current situation in Burundi in the UN Security Council , this October 30th, Michel Kafando said there is a rise in political intolerance and violations of civil and political freedoms” in Burundi.
While the socio-economic situation in Burundi continues to deteriorate, Michel Kafando said the security situation has improved throughout the country, “even if, here and there, abuses and other human rights violations continue to be reported”. Michel Kafando was appointed by the UN Secretary General on June 2017 to follow closely the issues related to the dialogue and cooperation with the United Nations.