
Over 300 mass graves identified in Ngozi Province

The Burundian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR) has begun since 2 June a three- day-activity of exhuming human remains in mass graves located in Burenge locality in Marangara commune of Ngozi northern province.

Human remains exhumed from a mass grave in the north of Bujumbura City

These mass graves contain people killed in the massacres committed in 1988.

Clément Noé Ninziza, Deputy chairman of CVR says the discovery of those mass graves proves that serious crimes were committed in this locality.

He calls on the residents of Marangara commune to testify about crimes committed in the past, adding that human remains to be exhumed will be buried with dignity afterwards.

Mr Ninziza says mass graves will be used by the commission to document crimes committed in that locality in order to identify the criminals.

“As some people have testified, there are several mass graves in Ngozi province. CVR has already identified more than 300 mass graves, about 60 in Marangara commune and more than 6 in Burenge locality, “he says.

The CVR has carried out similar activities in Bujumbura City and in the provinces of Mwaro, Gitega, Muramvya and Karuzi.