The morale of four journalist of Iwacu Press Group that are Christine Kamikazi, Agnès Ndirubusa, Térence Mpozenzi, Egide Harerimana and their driver Adolphe Masabarakiza, imprisoned in Bubanza prison declined on Tuesday 12 November 2019.

Bubanza Prison where the four journalists of Iwacu Press Group and their driver are detained.
It was the day after the judges of the Ntahangwa Court of Appeal went to Bubanza and attempted to interrogate them but they refused to answer without their lawyers.
These journalists and their driver who were arrested on 22 October 2019 in Musigati Commune of Bubanza western Province are prosecuted for “complicity in undermining the internal security of the state.”
Their colleagues who visited them in Bubanza prison say the mood of these four journalists and their driver behind bars has changed. They seem discouraged. “They ask themselves a lot of questions especially about the presence of these magistrates of the Court of Appeal of Ntahangwa in Bubanza province this Monday, whereas their lawyers were not informed about that trial.”
They wonder why the judges seek to question them at all costs without their lawyers. Is the appointment of 18 November 2019 still maintained?
“These judges seemed to ignore the date of the summons of the four journalists and their driver to appear in the Council Chamber of Bubanza High Court,” said the journalists who paid a visit to their incarcerated colleagues on Tuesday.
This appointment of November 18, 2019 was set by the Court of Appeal of Ntahangwa the day after lawyers of these 4 journalists of Iwacu Press Group and their driver lodged an appeal against the decision made on 31 October by Bubanza High Court to maintain them in detention.