
Education: 24 schools closed

The Ministry in Charge of Primary and Secondary Education has decided to close some schools temporarily and definitively because they don’t respond to Burundi education requirements- by Diane Uwimana

Ntahangwa Lycee, one of the schools in a very critical situation.©Iwac

Ntahangwa Lycee, one of the schools in a very critical situation.©Iwacu

“There are some Primary Schools whose pupils have never succeeded in the National test since three or four years and other primary and secondary schools have closed their doors without even informing the ministry authority”, explains Rose Gahiru, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education.

She mentions that the ministry hasn’t only looked into to the lack of infrastructure and didactic equipment; but it has also analysed the salubrious and hygienic conditions of those schools. “The worst situation is a case of secondary school Pax Caritas at Gitega Province which holds only one water closed (W.C) shared by all female and male pupils, teachers or administration staff”, regrets the minister.

Rose Gahiru underlines that the measures have been taken referring to different ordinances regulating the organization of schools in Burundi
According to the ministerial ordinance signed this 22nd July 2013, pupils who studied in those schools are recommended to be registered next year in other better private schools following their former section.

“Unjust measure”

Tembo Leonard, the Headmaster of a primary level at Ntahangwa Lycee judges the measure as unjust. “Different educational visits have been paid inside our school but there wasn’t any written warning to us”, deplores the Headmaster. He says that they have got only a verbal warning about infrastructure.

Ntahangwa Lycee is located at Buyenzi quarter in Bujumbura City Council, 1st avenue, along the “Boulevard du peuple Murundi”. It is between Star hotel and Ntahangwa River. Inside the playground, there are fields of potatoes and the school is under some trees where bats dwell. Today, it is in a very critical situation, there are neither doors nor windows of the classrooms.

According to him, the government must help them ameliorate the situation. “We have done our best and looked for infrastructure, so the government should help us to improve pupils’ knowledge”, says Tembo.
Joseph Ndayisaba, an Educational Expert, praises the measure taken by the Ministry.

“It is also necessary to apply the same measure to Universities which do not fulfil educational norms such as healthy infrastructures and appropriate equipment”, he concludes.

The closed schools are the following:

1. « Le cycle Primaire du complexe Scolaire International
2. Le cycle Primaire du Lycée Technique Bukirasazi
3. Le cycle Primaire de l’Ecole du Savoir
4. Le cycle Primaire du Groupe Scolaire Saint Jacques
5. Le cycle Primaire de l’Ecole Charité Mirango
6. Le cycle Collège du Complexe Scolaire Shaloom
7. L’Ecole de la Victoire
8. Le lycée Ntahangwa
9. L’Ecole Bon Pasteur de Rumonge
10. Le cycle Primaire du Lycée Ntahangwa
11. La section Informatique de Gestion de l’Ecole de Félins
12. Le cycle Primaire du Complexe Scolaire Saint Placide
13. Le cycle Primaire de l’école Charité Songa
14. Le collège Pax Caritas (Gitega)
15. Le cycle Collège de l’Ecole Primaire et Secondaire de la Charité Songa
16. L’Ecole Amie du Livre (Gitega)
17. La section Informatique de Gestion du Collège Etoile du Matin
18. Le cycle Primaire du Centre Scolaire Tanzanien
19. Le cycle Primaire de l’Ecole Carmel
20. L’Ecole de la Concorde de Gatumba
21. Le Complexe Scolaire Saint Jacques
22. Le Lycée Le Soleil de Minago (Rumonge)
23. Le cycle Collège du Complexe Scolaire Rêve d’Avenir
24. L’Ecole Primaire de Bukirasazi »