Some citizens of Bujumbura city live in fear since they heard the outbreak of COVID-19 in Burundi, this March 31. “We don’t have any other choice than abiding by the hygienic measures,” says a taxi-driver met in Mukaza commune in Bujumbura city. He also says the government should impose other measures intended to improve the social distancing. “This is a serious virus that affects many people in a very short time”, he says.

Some Bujumbura citizens live in fear after COVID-19 outbreak in Burundi
Another citizen says the quarantine decision should be well controlled. “If the first two cases of COVID-19 concern two people who previously traveled to infected countries, surely, they are other people who have been in contact with them. There is a need to make a serious follow-up,” he says. He also urges the government to look for humanitarian assistance in any case of a critical situation. “We live in dire condition. If there is no improvement, the government will have to support us,” he says.
On 31 March, Thaddée Ndikumana, the Minister of Public Health announced that the two men aged 56 and 42 are both Burundians residing in Bujumbura city. He said the two nationals had previously travelled to Rwanda and Dubai and were hospitalized at BUMEREC..
Gaston Sindimwo, the First Deputy President calls on all residents not to panic. “This should worsen the situation. We must abide by the hygienic measures to counter COVID-19,” he told Radio Isanganiro journalist. He also exhorts the security forces to respect the decision of closing the borders to protect the country. Sindimwo also urges people who have been in contact with the two men infected by the virus to go to hospital for consultation.