
FENADEB: Child labor, threat to society development

While the world celebrates the day against child labor on each 12 June, the National federation of associations involved in child rights in Burundi-FENADEB raises concerns about the current child labor situation in Burundi.

Ferdinand Simbaruhije, FENADEB secretary general says the number of children who are victims of child labor is alarming. “According to a recent survey conducted on 316 children in four provinces of Burundi, more than 90% of under-age children are victims of child labor”, Simbaruhije says adding that the record can be more extensive at the national level.

Enfant-au-travailFerdinand Simbaruhije says the reasons for child labor are fundamentally poverty and ignorance. “Some children from poor families drop out of school in order to work and be able to survive. Others have not even been able to attend school,” he says. Simbaruhije says many children are employed to do domestic activities, extract minerals or do informal trade. He says they are unfortunately not well paid.

FENADEB secretary general says child labor undermines the society development. “Child labor has negative effects on families and the country”, he says.

Mr. Simbaruhije says there are talented children who deserve support at school. “If their talents are not developed, this affects the society as a whole,” he says.

Ferdinand Simbaruhije calls on everybody to invest in the education of children. “The government should adopt strategies to put an end to cases of school dropouts. International organizations should also support children who attend schools”, he says.
