
Uncontrolled constructions threaten green spaces in Bujumbura

Residents from different neighborhoods of the capital Bujumbura say green spaces, which are currently threatened by unregulated constructions, should be protected. They say that while the world celebrates the Earth Day on 22 April each year.

“Jardin Public” is one of the very few green spaces which are protected in Bujumbura

“Jardin Public” is one of the very few green spaces which are protected in Bujumbura

“There are no sufficient spaces for games. Unplanned constructions are the main cause of the disappearance of green spaces in our locality”, says a resident of “Mutanga Sud” neighborhood in the center of the capital Bujumbura. Carama neighborhood residents in the northern area of the Burundian capital also denounce the illegal allocation of green spaces to individuals for residential use. “Green spaces disappear day after day”, says a resident.

Albert Mbonerane, Environmentalist and former Environment minister, says green spaces also play a role in the protection against natural catastrophes besides the fact that they constitute nice relaxation places for residents of the neighborhood.

Mbonerane says green spaces disappeared due to the population growth and the fact that people value building spaces over green ones. “A survey conducted in 2014 shows that 20 green spaces have been identified in the capital Bujumbura.

Emmanuel Ndereyimana, the head of the Department of Forest Resource and Development in the Environment Ministry, says the neighborhoods extended since 2014 have got no green spaces. He, however, recognizes that existing green spaces are not protected. “The environment code stipulates that each neighborhood must have a green space. Unfortunately, some are gradually disappearing while others remain unprotected”, says Ndereyimana. He also says impunity is the cause of the disappearance of green spaces in the capital Bujumbura.

The environment official calls on the state agents in charge of distributing and managing parcels to ensure construction activities respect the environmental code which recommends reserving green spaces in all neighborhoods.

“Residents must also contribute to the protection and maintenance of green spaces”, he says. Iwacu contacted urban management officials for more details but in vain.