

Repatriation of “Zebiya” followers / End of an exodus or beginning of a new crusade?

04-09-2018 Since Sunday, April 1, more than 2500 followers of the “prophetess” Eusébie Ngendakumana, called “Zebiya”, have got back home. They are happy to meet their families again but remain stuck to their cult that was born in Businde (Kayanza province). They were numerous and of a different age. Old (...)

Busiga administration receives hundreds of Eusébie followers from Rwanda

04-04-2018 More than 300 followers of Eusébie Ngendakumana have spent the night at Mparamirundi communal lycée in Busiga commune of Ngozi Northern Province. They arrived yesterday evening after crossing the northern Kanyaru border post. They say they are happy to be back home and hope that they won’t be persecuted (...)