Patrice Tuhabonyimana, Provincial Director of Education in Bujumbura city has said school activities will be suspended for two days respectively on 18 and 19 June following the swearing-in of President-elect Evariste Ndayishimiye in Gitega political province, on June 18.
He says about 300 cheerleaders will participate in the ceremonies. “They are from different classes in 180 schools based in Bujumbura City. It would be unfair to continue sitting for exams while others are taking part in a national event”, he says.

Cheerleaders from Bujumbura City will participate in the swearing in of president-elect, in Gitega Province
Mr Tuhabonyimana says school activities will resume on June 20. “Those cheerleaders will have a day-off on June 19, to revise their courses before attending their classes,” he says.
Evariste Ndayishimiye will be sworn in to succeed the late President Nkurunziza who passed away due to a cardiac arrest on June 8, according to the government statement.
On 12 June, the constitutional Court ruled that the President-elect will be sworn into office following the unexpected death of the acting president. “There is no need for an interim president as the president-elect is already known,” said Charles Ndagijimana, President of the Constitutional Court.
Evariste Ndayishimiye who will serve seven years in office was expected to be sworn in on August 20, according to the electoral code established by the National electoral commission -CENI.