Nestor Bankumukunzi, Chairman of Burundi Media Regulator-CNC says the radio station British Broadcasting Corporate-BBC is completely banned to broadcast in Burundi while the VOA is still suspended until further notice.

Nestor Bankumukunzi: “It is strictly forbidden for any Burundian or foreign journalist to provide information that can be broadcast on BBC and VOA radios
“BBC did not keep its promises since it had broadcast a documentary movie that turned out to be false, slanderous and full of fabrication on Burundi”, said Bankumukunzi.
On 11 May 2018, the BBC radio station affirmed that the broadcasting program “Guest of week” didn’t respect the editorial line and the news rules were not respected. So far, on 4 May 2018, the BBC was suspended to broadcast in Burundi for six months following its unbalanced news of 12 March 2018.
The Burundi Media Regulator chairman also accused the VOA radio station of still employing Patrick Nduwimana, one of the wanted people in Burundi. “He played an important role in the violent events that followed the 2015 crisis”, he said adding that the VOA officials didn’t sign their specifications with the Media Regulator.
On 4 May 2018, the two international radio stations were suspended for six months. CNC chairman also says it t is strictly forbidden for any Burundian or foreign journalist to provide, directly or indirectly, the information that can be broadcast on the BBC and VOA radios.