

Over 60% of GBV victims are youth under 18, Seruka records show

11-27-2017 An average of 120 cases per month is the number registered by Seruka, a local NGO dedicated to fighting against gender based violence. Since 2003, Seruka Centre has received 19,028 victims of gender based violence and most of them are teenagers who are under 18 “We receive an average (...)

Rights defenders call on protest against human rights violations in Burundi

04-25-2017 Exiled activists organise demonstrations against alarming rights violations; an idea that is not shared by activists living in Burundi. A number of civil society organisations have called on Burundians in exile to protest against new waves of extra-judiciary executions and forced disappearances. “We call on all Burundians especially those (...)

Urgent need of other rooms at Carama site

06-13-2014 People gathered at Carama site salute the initiative of providing them rooms to live in. However, the latter are not big enough. They ask for more additional space.-By Yves Didier Irakoze According to Jean Marie Niyonzima, responsible of the site, the new rooms are of 6m to 10. They (...)