
Private security companies given two months to comply with regulations.
The security ministry warns private security companies that do not comply with regulations. In a meeting with private security and surveillance companies that operate in Bujumbura, Ménédore Ntirampeba, Director General of the department of planning and strategic studies at the ministry of public security has given a two- month (...)

Security Ministry warns private security companies to comply with regulations
In the presentation of the achievements for the 2nd term of 2018, the ministry of public security has insisted on the respect of regulations governing the private security and surveillance companies. Melchiade Ruceke, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Public Security says those regulations which are not often respected (...)

SOBUGEA employees reject new system of health insurance coverage
Employees of the Burundian company of warehouse management and transit assistance (SOBUGEA) protest against the recent decision made by SOBUGEA executive to change their health insurance coverage. The management of SOBUGEA decided on May 3, 2018 to pay its staff’s health care fees following a medical care scheme of (...)

Burundi population quadrupled from 1961 to 2017
The Minister of Health calls on all Burundians to significantly reduce the birth rate. She says the average population density is 400 inhabitants per square kilometer, which is a hindrance to development in a country where 90% of the population depend on agriculture and livestock. On the occasion of (...)
Human Right

Communities have positively responded to Measles-Rubella vaccine, health officials say
Communities have positively responded to Measles-Rubella vaccine, health officials say Health officials report Measles-Rubella vaccine campaign that started with this week has met with a positive response from communities. Sources from the Ministry of Public Health say Measles-Rubella vaccination campaign that started on Monday is going well. Dr Olivier (...)

Priest imprisoned following charge of raping minor, police say
The police arrested Abbot Jean Marie Ciza, the principal private secretary of the Archbishop of Gitega in the afternoon of 16 May 2017. He was sent to Gitega Central Prison for raping a minor, police spokesman says. According to sources from Gitega central province, Jean Marie Ciza was arrested (...)

Rights groups fear IMF withdrawal of subventions to Ministry of Health
Two local NGOs warn of irregular activities within the Ministry of Public Health that might cause the government to lose from the International Monetary Fund(IMF) an estimated amount of $72.300.822 primarily intended for the fight against malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. In a cosigned letter of CAPES+ and PISC-Burundi to (...)

New norms for disposing of waste water
From 22nd to 23rd October, the Ministry of Water, Environment, Sanitation and Urbanism (MEEATU) organized a two day workshop to raise awareness on the national norms for disposing waste water.–By Diane Uwimana “Throwing out waste water can negatively impact our health and environment”, says Francine Jeanne Nkunzimana, Director of (...)

Healthy food; healthy life
Inspired by the importance of edible mushrooms to individual health and good results from their production, a mushrooms’ Company SOCHA (Société des Champignons), located at Ngagara Commune near OTRACO Company, deals with cultivating, producing and promoting them- By Yves Didier Irakoze According to Emile Nsengiyumva, the Chairman of SOCHA, (...)

The Global Fund to fight against TB modified
Two projects against tuberculosis in Burundi were financed by the Global fund but it will expire on 31st August, 2013 because of the global economic crisis and PNLT will be supported by TFM the Transitional Finance Mechanism for only the strategic plan-by Lorraine Josiane Manishatse The Global Fund used (...)