Human Right

Geneva : Battle over resolutions
The UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution of the African group, more favorable to Bujumbura than that of the European Union. The latter expresses its great disappointment. It was a dramatic turn of events in Geneva on Wednesday, September 28. Everything had, however, started with the European Union (...)
Human Right

War of words in Geneva
The UN Independent Commission of Inquiry into Burundi presented its final report before the Human Rights Council on Tuesday, 19 September. A session that was rich in argument between Bujumbura and Fatsah Ouguergouz. Accusations came from every side. First, there were those of the Permanent Representative of Burundi at (...)

“Burundi expects nothing good from Geneva”
Exiled civil society and the opposition are optimistic about the resolutions and recommendations that will come out of the session of the UN Human Rights Council due to start this Wednesday 14 . The case is not the same for Bujumbura. On Friday, 2 June 2017, Willy Nyamitwe, Senior (...)