Human Right

Large number of vulnerable people, major challenge to Ministry of Social Affairs
Late disbursement of funds, a large number of vulnerable people and the lack of land to shelter the victims of natural disasters are the major challenges that the Ministry of Human Rights, Social Affairs and Gender is facing. Martin Nivyabandi, Minister of Human Rights, Social Affairs and Gender said (...)

Some members of Burundi ruling party youth wing accused of mistreating Kanyinya residents
Inhabitants of Kinyinya I hill from Gatumba area in Mutimbuzi commune of the Bujumbura province, denounce the tortures inflicted by members of the ruling party youth wing when conducting night patrols. They criticize local authorities for not taking the problem seriously. “We are tired of being tortured, the authorities (...)

Security undermined in some areas of Burundi at weekend
On 9 April at 20: 30 in the evening, an armed group ambushed a transportation vehicle going from Bujumbura city council to Gatumba zone of Bujumbura Province. Residents of the locality say they heard shootings but they did not know what was happening. “The troublemakers wanted to steal the (...)

Armed men abducted people in Gatumba west of Bujumbura
Unknown armed men abducted eight people in Gatumba zone of Mutimbuzi, west of the capital on Wednesday 16 November. “Three of them were released a day later, on 17 November”, said one local representative in Kinyinya I, where the abduction took place. Residents in Gatumba fear their relatives have (...)

Crocodiles and chimpanzees breeding is not allowed in Burundi
Crocodiles and chimpanzees breeding are practiced in Bujumbura households or in some bars and public places even though it is not allowed by the law. According to the Cites Law, chimpanzees and crocodiles are among wild animals that must be protected against any exportation or trade activities.-By Lorraine Josiane (...)

After the flood, strong winds worsen the situation
After the natural disaster occurred in the North of Bujumbura on 9 February 2014, some people have been injured and several houses have been damaged by strong winds.-By Diane Uwimana (...)