

Enhancing the quality of beans- our main objective

05-09-2014 Burundi Agricultural Research Institute- “ISABU” -is putting in place the best quality of beans that are more productive to increase the harvest.–By Yves Didier Irakoze “We want to promote a great deal of varieties of beans because the quality of the latter is not the same,” points out Capitoline (...)
EAC integration

Beans can now be transformed into other kinds of foods

04-21-2014 Beans constitute the main source of proteins, carbohydrates and enriched in mineral salts. Often called meat for poor people, beans can now be transformed into other food to enrich our nutrition.-Diane Uwimana The Burundi Agricultural scientific Institute carries out seeds’ experimentation from its plantation to its transformation. “We must (...)

2013 Farmers’ Trade Fair: main objective of advertising

09-09-2013 From this 28 August to 2 September, a National Farmers’ Trade Fair has taken place at the “Lycée Scheppers Nyakabiga”. According to the participants, there is still a long way to go to face the farmers’ challenges – by Diane Uwimana It was not easy to get into the (...)