

Fribourg, Switzerland: the Last Dance

08-23-2018 Some twenty Burundian artists invited to perform at the 44th edition of the Fribourg International Folklore Festival have “vanished into thin air “, to use the words of a Swiss media. I will not comment such “disappearance”, because fleeing one’s country is a personal choice, very difficult and always (...)

Five members of 2018 Miss Burundi organization committee resign

07-05-2018 Five out of seven members of the organizing committee of Miss Burundi 2018 announced their resignation on social media on July 3 due to some misunderstanding with the chairman of the committee. Amine El Kosseifi, the chairman of Burundi events organization, says the cause of the resignation was some (...)

Referendum vote: Burundian media professionals urged to work in synergy

03-27-2018 Nestor Bankumukunzi, Minister of Communication, Information and Technologies has met, this 26 March, all representatives of media organizations, leaders of the National Media Council and the National Independent Electoral Commission. They have discussed the role of the media in the constitutional amendment process. “Media professionals play a great role (...)

No media freedom in Burundi, Reporters Without Borders says

04-27-2017 Reporters without Borders (RSF) ranks Burundi the 160th out of 180 countries in the 2017 World Press Freedom Index. RSF says the country was the 156th in 2016. It is ranked behind all the East African Community countries. The situation in Burundi has become more and more complex since (...)

National and international media must obey local law

12-07-2016 “Both local and international media have to abide by the existing law regulating media”, said Nestor Bankumukunzi, Communication Minister when responding to questions by MPs on 6 December. During the session of oral questions in the National Assembly where Nestor Bankumukunzi, Communication Minister was invited, certain MPs suggested that (...)

“Raising woman voices to media”

01-03-2014 Female journalists from the Great Lakes Region working in media have gathered to create a network for freely voicing and expressing women issues.-By Yves Didier Irakoze The network was created in partnership with Search for Common Ground an NGO operating in Burundi, Burundian Women Journalists Association (AFJO), Rwandan Women (...)

Journalists trained by Regional Media Training Project “PIGISTE” have got certificates

10-01-2013 This 20th September 2013 at “Chez André Restaurant” in Bujumbura has taken place the closing of the Great Lakes Regional Media Training Project PIGISTE of radio journalists run for 4 years (2009-2013) – By Yves Didier Irakoze According to Bettina Haasen, Technical Counselor of the German NGO EIRENE GL (...)

International Commission for Justice (ICJ), Kenyan Section: “Promoting Peace through Accountability”

09-12-2013 Severe international crimes still go unpunished in Africa as victims cry for justice to be served upon their communities and families. Then, the ICJ Kenya claims for Eastern Africa journalists to shift the narrative towards a victim centred approach – By Diane Uwimana “Media are an important site of (...)