
CNARED members reunited

Following the imminent coup to remove the presidency of the opposition platform in exile at the beginning of July, members of CNARED met from 4 to 5 August to discuss two main issues including their reunion.

Pancrace Cimpaye: “Our common struggle is to restore the Arusha Agreement”

Pancrace Cimpaye: “Our common struggle is to restore the Arusha Agreement”

Pancrace Cimpaye, CNARED Spokesperson says it is normal that misunderstandings occur among about 20 political parties working together for a same purpose. “There was no common interest in the past years,” says Cimpaye adding that members have now agreed to organize the elections of the new executive board very soon. “The deadline of the executive board term of office is set on 26 August,” he says.

At the beginning of July, the radical bloc led by Alexis Sinduhije, chairman of Democratic and Solidarity Movement-MSD party and Jérèmie Minani, former spokesperson for CNARED wanted to overthrow the presidency of CNARED led by Jean Minani.

Pancrace Cimpaye says the CNARED members have now a common struggle to restore the Arusha Agreement and bring about peace and security in Burundi instead of defending their individual interests.
The National Council for the Restoration of the Arusha Agreement and Rules of Law-CNARED was established in February 2016 after a tense atmosphere between Burundi government and the opposition when President Pierre Nkurunziza announced he would run for another term in office in April 2015.
